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Lisbon Treaty
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage

Constitution (2004)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage

Nice Treaty (2001)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Amsterdam Treaty (1997)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Maastricht Treaty (1992)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Single European Act (1986)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Treaties of Rome (1957)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Treaty of Paris (1951)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Case LawBibliography
Home > The Constitution > Negotiation Stage
Preparation StageNegotiation StageRatification Stage


Commission: IGC - 17/09/03
Parliament: IGC - 10/09/03
European Central Bank: IGC - 28/09/03
Declaration of Rome - 04/10/2003 CIG 3/03 (Summary)
Timetable - 04/10/2003 CIG 5/03 .
IGC Secretariat: Judicial review of draft Constitution - 04/10/2003 CIG 4/03 (French).
Committee of Regions: IGC and Convention - 10/11/03 CIG 44/03 (Summary)
Presidency: Compromise Proposal - 25/11/03 CIG 52/03 Compromise for Naples Conclave (November, 28-29th 2003) - An addendum set out the actual wordings of the articles referred to. (Summary)
Economic and Social Committee: IGC - 02/12/03 CIG 59/03. (Summary)
Parliament: Resolution on progress report of the IGC - CIG 64/04
Presidency: Prospect and progress of the IGC. 24/3/04 CIG 70/04. (Summary)


© Carlos Closa 2003 - Design by Eduardo Jáuregui. Edited by Mario Kölling
Doctorado en Unión Europea